Inner Gardens


Inner Courtyard

Down to the hall and out into the most beautiful inner courtyard with tall cypress trees, numerous flower pots, old ladrilha tiles and cobble stones, a raised area with old benches and antique azulejos.

The area around the house is totally walled-in. The walls have numerous niches with classical Roman sculpures and fragment features.


Roman Garden

Roman Garden

Walking along the main house a spectacular formal Roman Garden is reached. Trimmed and cut hedges and in the middle an antique water feature. In a niche a lion Fountain and a number of antique Roman features - some more than 2,000 years old.

A further fountain is found in the middle of the lawn in this courtyard



The Chapel

At the end of the courtyard a Private Chapel (5,2 x 5m) with bell tower has been built recently. Pass through wooden double doors into a light room with stained glass windows.

